

The content search works again.

Hotfix &

Correction and improvement of the new function to automatically clean up profile pages.

Release 3.2.1

This quite large release introduces some new features and improvements. Among other things, a connection for Panopto was created, the reading direction of texts can be changed using the editor, FAQ lists can now be displayed as an accordion…


This mini release contains only one change. New logos have been added.

29/30.11. Morning: Short interruption possible

Due to a change in the infrastructure, there may be a brief interruption of the easyWeb standard instances.

New instruction: Captchas in forms

The newly introduced form function also increases the risk of bot and spam messages. Captchas (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) serve as a simple but very effective defense.

New tutorial: Subscribe to page changes

With the 3.2.0 release came a new feature Content Subscription, which allows subscribing to changes made to a specific page.

Release 3.2.0

This release implements content subscription function, captcha for forms and other small improvements.

Release 3.1.0

In this release, dynamic forms are introduced to easyWeb and various small improvements are implemented.

New tutorial: Create custom forms

In release 3.1.0 a new extension for the CMS TYPO3 was integrated, which allows to create individual forms.


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