Meta links

EasyWeb standard offers four different types of meta links for use: Header Links, Footer Links, Quick Links, and Social Media Links.

Basically, the functions of these four types are the same. In this tutorial, we will explain in general how to create these special menu links. The individual specifics are covered in a separate subchapter.

The different meta links

From the table you can see where on the website the different meta link types can be found. It also lists which page types you can use for them. The last column briefly mentions what the link can or should be used for.

Meta LinkPositionAvailable page typesRecommended use
Header LinkTop of websiteStandard, reference, link to external URLAccess for contact possibilities; better accessibility for web functions; fast to reach information
Footer LinkLower website marginStandard, reference, link to external URLCopyright or licensing information; imprint
Quick LinkAbove Footer LinksStandard, reference, link to external URLfree disposal
Social-Media LinkTo the right of Quick LinksLink to external URLLinks to social media channels


Create Meta Link

Create new meta link with drag and drop.

Create new meta link with drag and drop.

Basically, creating is the same procedure for all types. Only social media links are limited in the selection of page types. Furthermore, Quick Links are divided into columns Left, Center and Right.

To create a meta link, you can select the corresponding element from above the page tree (see image) and drag and drop it into the folder below. Now name the page. With right click > Edit on the new element you can now access the settings. Under Type you can select a default page, a reference (internal link) or a link to external URL.

Alternatively, you can use the context menu > "Create new" wizard to insert a new page and then configure it.

The folders for the links are respectively Header Links for Header Links, Footer Links for Footer Links, Quick Links for Quick Links, Social Media for Social-Media Links

General tab

In the General tab you can define the page type, page title, URL segment and, depending on it, the link destination or the external URL. The page title is also the title that will be displayed in the frontend.

Below are the descriptions of all available page types.


You can create a single page, e.g. for an imprint or a contact form. Further editing is the same as editing/creating a content page. You can fill this page with the usual grid and content elements.

Reference (Internal Link)

For a reference - i.e. an internal link - you only have to select the location of the page to be linked and specify the displayed title.

Link to external URL

For an external link, enter the entire URL (including protocol). We recommend only links with the protocol https:// protocol. A link like would be a valid entry in the URL field.

Special case Mail

If you want to use a meta link to call an e-mail to you, then you have to write the abbreviation 'mailto:' in front of the e-mail address in the field URL . A valid entry in the URL field would be '' - of course this only makes sense if the email address is valid.

    Specific settings

    Design header links

    The position can be chosen, the background color can be changed and icons can be added.

    Three options are available in the Appearance tab:

    • Alignment: select alignment (left or right).
    • Background: select background color (normal or red)
    • CSS class: select icon (none orsearch icon)

    For social media links, an attempt is made to load a corresponding icon based on the URL. If none is available, a generic link icon is displayed.

    Hide / delete meta links

    If you no longer need a meta link, you can either hide or delete them.


    In the page settings in the Access tab you can select the Hide option. This way the meta link will not be deleted but hidden in the menu, but still accessible via the direct link (e.g. when visitors come from a search engine).

    You can also hide the link via the context menu with the option Disable, then the page is no longer accessible for visitors.


    You can delete the meta link by opening the context menu with a right click. There you have the option to delete the link.