Welcome to our website

Do you have a new web presence and don't know exactly where to start? Here you will find help on how to get started with easyWeb standard as quickly as possible. Our website at https://easyweb.unibas.ch offers a large amount of information about the easyWeb standard product. Below you will find a list of the most important contact points and ways to get in touch with us.

Recommendations on layout and text design, image formats, etc. can be found in the easyWeb style guide from WebDesk. Important information on data protection can be found on the University of Basel website. A question and answer session is held every two weeks. In addition, courses on easyWeb standard are regularly offered in the IT Services training program. If there are enough requests, we will also organize a training course outside the scheduled offering cycle or in another language. You also have the possibility (at your own expense) to book an individual training. For all other requests, you can contact us at any time via Support at support-its@clutterunibas.ch or https://its.unibas.ch.


Have fun with easyWeb standard!

Your WApp-Team