The latest release is release 5.2.4, which was published on October 10, 2024.
Due to various dependencies and unforeseen work, it is very difficult for us to predict which feature will be available in which version and on which date in easyWeb standard.
Here we provide information about the next major features/developments that we would like to implement in the foreseeable future. Implementation is not always guaranteed and depends in part on external factors (e.g. budget planning, unforeseen work, changed priorities). As soon as we are able to narrow down the time frame, we will adjust the information below.
- Harmonize layout
- Connect image services
- TYPO3 upgrade
- Cookie Banner
We will also inform you here about existing small bugs and upcoming improvements that will be fixed or implemented in the course of the next updates:
- When an image is inserted into a narrow width grid element, the image just does not fill the full width of the grid element.
- Occasionally the maintenance bar appears unintentionally on some subpages of easyweb-standard pages. We are working on solving the problem, until then we recommend clearing all caches in the backend and then reloading the pages. At the moment this is the fastest way to get rid of the bars.
Upcoming improvements:
- Currently there is no way to adjust or standardize the height of framed boxes to each other. We are working on making this possible.